Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Establishing Authority...or Not

WARNING: Poop Talk Ahead!

Okay so I'm still working on the whole authority thing. I'm not sure I'm making any headway and I certainly don't blame the Corgis (entirely) but what I ask you is...Will Jack EVER poop while on leash? Now, Joe, he's the poopenest dog I know, no problem there, but Jack, he just refuses, and I know he's refusing on purpose. It's an actual thought going through his head, I know Mom wants me to poop while I'm on this dumb leash, but I'll show her! Grrrrr, it's frustrating! But, again, I don't blame him (entirely)...I've never owned dogs that I actually had to train and honestly (although we did try a couple of obedience classes) was avoiding most training except for the basics-sit-down-off-stay, some of which work all the time and others work some of the time, but actual training...not so much. Now that we're somewhat city dwellers and actually have encounters with other dogs, people and we do not have a fenced yard and poop walks are necessary and Winter is just around the corner, it's just time to get them trained, more importantly get Jack trained to poop while on leash! I've got to get myself a Cesar Millan book.

Good Sit.

1 comment:

  1. Oh! Oh! So this is what I have to look forward to with "Pumpkin"? We should be able to pick her up Sunday Oct.31st if we get back to Napa on the 30th Fitting to pickup Pumpkin on Halloween don't you think?!Actually Chanel always goes poop for me on the leash... You'll just have to let Jack know who's boss! Cute PX!Carol
