If you know Joe, you know Joe L.O.V.E.'S to eat. His whole world revolves around eating and I'm not really sure if it's the food or just the fact that he loves to eat, because some of the stuff he eats I wouldn't define as food. That said, I admit after the Almond Caper I let my guard down. I still have the almonds in the car, but now I keep them in the glovebox and Joe (and Jack) have to sit in the back of the car, problem solved. But, Joe loves peanut butter, he knows the sound of the jar opening, I know where I kept the peanut butter, bottom shelf in the pantry, well apparently Joe knew too.

When I got home last Friday the peanut butter jar was on the floor in the living room. He managed to get the lid off and lick as far as his little head and tongue would go. I couldn't believe it and immediately called my husband to tell him about it, he almost couldn't believe it, my husband is familiar with the almond story and also had seen the evidence. I managed to be relieved about two things, 1) The jar was almost empty and 2) No peanut butter ended up on the carpet.
But, wait there's more...that night we went grocery shopping and my daughter texted me that my dog is crazy, oh no - what now?!? When we called to check in we were told that Joe had gotten into the chocolate chips and marshmallows...yeah, yeah, yeah, I know shouldn't keep the chocolate chips and marshmallows on the bottom shelf of the pantry, well at least he didn't get into the full jar of peanut butter.
Wait for it...the next evening we left, and then we came home and then we found the hot chocolate and Bisquick spread throughout the house and into the carpet. Really?
p/s there is no longer any food on the bottom shelf of the pantry
Oh wow, is he ok??
ReplyDeleteHI Kelly,
I just added a reply button to my comment section, so I hope this works! Thanks for asking! Joe seemed to be "tweaking" a bit after all that, so I watched him closely and took him out to go the bathroom often. He seemed a bit bloated too. So, I've been feeding him dog food and dog snacks only and have refrained from the extras like tastes of peanut butter and potato chips, yes, I realize I'm part of the problem - ha! He is my problem child though, Jack gets the same goodies and he is so not obsessed with food...who knows?!?