If it wasn't coming out of my own mouth and in to my own ears I would not believe it. Our walks which consist of Joe's name being repeated at least 100 times, well he was given a little break.
"Jack, Jack, Jacky."
"Jack stop, don't eat that, don't ever do that again."
"Jack, eeww, stop, don't."
"Ahhh Jaacckk."
But wait reality hits!
"Joe, JOE! Stop, drop it, don't eat that!"
"Joe, no, Joe, oh, throwing up? Well this is where you should throw up, NOT inside the house"
"Jacky, your a good boy."
"Joe, okay, Joe, we're leaving now."
"Joe, what do you get in to, why is your nose and toes covered in dirt?!"

Who Me?

Ahhh, come on it was just one walk.
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