We had an epic Memorial Weekend, epic cruddy weather that is. We have what we call the Memorial Weekend Curse. It is never ever really very nice on Memorial Weekend, many times Monday eeks out a warmer day, but not this year. It was cold (freezing) and it snowed (a lot). We have spent our last few Memorial Weekends in Virginia City at the Battle Born Showdown in our vintage trailer (without heat). This is the first year that I regretted it. I nearly froze to death and the Corgi's body heat was my only chance at survival, much to Joe's dismay. He growled and groaned. I didn't care, he could protest all he wanted I needed just a little warmth! But alas, our weekend manage to end on a high note...our beautiful daughter, Pheenix, was asked her hand in marriage. We are very happy for her happiness...

Joe Cuddled in the Covers

Trailer in the Snow

Great Great Grandmother's Diamonds in Grandmother's Wedding Set