Along with the move and the 500 million other life changes I'm trying to make, one of them includes presenting myself as the pack leader in our little Corgi pack. This means for the majority of our walks the Corgis are on leash. This also means that if they have to (sorry) poop, they have to eliminate while on leash. This also means meeting up with other walkers, walkers with their dogs, joggers, kids on bikes AND golfers! This is where the maddening part comes in...while on our morning walk, along side the Kiley Ranch golf course, yes there were golfers, Joe is well, his weird defensive self and as one of the golfers is in his back swing Joe lets out with one of his ear splitting, high-pitched yelps. And, he won't stop and I'm menacinglywhispering under my breath, "Joe, Joe, Joe." But, this is when he gets in the zone...he cannothear me! Oh, but the golfers can and they yell at him too, "Joe!" Will the world open up and swallow me now?

So, yes, this story does lead to the love part. This is the day we chose our babies, Joe is on the right and his sister Stella (my Mom's pup). It was a beautiful Northern Nevada October day when we drove out to Palomino Valley, and when I say chose our babies, I mean Joe chose us. While sitting enjoying all the puppy love, up into my daughter's lap Joe crawled, we knew he was the one. And then, what can you not love about this picture?
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